Here's everything you need to know about Premium status ⬇️
1. What is Premium Status?
🚀 If you have 🟢 Premium status, that means you're one of the biggest contributors to the app. Through your purchases, surveys, and games, you're helping to keep the app free and encouraging countless other people to walk more.
The "Premium" status is something you get automatically by doing a defined number of interactions on the application. Likewise, having this status offers access to several benefits like exclusive rewards (gift cards, transfers, and others you can look over on the "Gifts" page), removing advertisements, a weekly wards bonus (1 ward bonus for every 10 wards earned) and priority access to customer service. As soon as you get the Premium status, you can enjoy these benefits for 6 months.
2. How do you get Premium Status for the first time?
To become Premium, you have to accumulate a minimum of 2000 qualifying Wards since registering on the application. Qualifying Wards don't come from walking.
Once you have the qualifying 2,000 wards, it takes 24 hours for the status of Inactive Premium ⚪️ status to change to Active Premium 🟢.
- Even if you don't have "Premium" status, you can see and check out special offers marked as "Premium". However, you do not have the option to order them.
- If you have not yet accumulated 2000 qualifying Wards you will have a gauge filled proportionally to your qualifying Wards acquired so far. You will obtain "Premium" status once you've accumulated 2000 qualifying Wards or more. 😊
3. How do you get qualifying Wards?
When we're talking about "Wards that don't come from walking" (i.e. qualifying Wards), that includes:
- The Wards obtained from surveys.
- The Wards obtained from games.
- The Wards obtained from purchases made through the "Top Deals" page* (pending Wards are not considered).
*Available in the following countries: France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, the USA and Japan.
4 - I have "Premium" status
When a user has registered on the application and accumulated 2000 qualifying Wards since registration, they will then be considered "Premium". No action needs to be taken on their part.
Premium status is valid for 6 months and during this period, lets the user enjoy all the advantages reserved for the status:
- exclusive rewards marked "Premium" in the "Gifts" page
- the removal of advertisements
- a weekly wards bonus (1 ward bonus for every 10 wards earned)
- priority access to our customer service
To keep the "Premium" status active and renew it for 6 more months, the user has to collect 1000 qualifying Wards over 6 months after the date when they receive Premium status for the first time. Otherwise, the user will return to "Inactive 🔘" at the end of the 6-month rewards period and lose these benefits.
A 24-hour period may be necessary for the renewal of your Premium status. During these 24 hours, you will not have Premium benefits.
5 - I was Premium and then lost my status
This means that you reached the end of your reward period and that during that period, you didn't gather the 1000 Wards you need to extend your status further.
No worries! As soon as you've accumulated those 1000 Wards, you'll automatically receive Premium status and it will be visible in the application the day after crossing the threshold.
If you reach the end of your Premium status, and you do have enough pending Wards to renew it, it will be extended by 90 days, the time needed for your pending transactions to be processed by our partners. Once your transactions are validated by our partners, your Premium status will be extended by 3 months, totaling 6 months.
Here's an example:
Your Premium period ends on 01/12/2024. At that time, you already have 800 qualifying Wards validated and 400 pending Wards. Therefore, you will receive a 3-month extension of your status, until 01/03/2025.
Your Wards are validated on 01/02/2025, totaling 1200 qualifying Wards: you will receive an additional 3 months of Premium status, until 01/06/2025.
You have accumulated 200 more qualifying Wards than necessary to renew your status (800 + 400 = 1200). No worries, you won't lose your Wards or your progress. Therefore, you will need to accumulate 800 qualifying Wards between 01/02/2025 and 01/06/2024 to renew your status again.
Remember ⬇️
Games / Surveys: It may take up to 24 hours for your Wards to appear in your balance. If you've completed a game or survey but haven't received your reward, feel free to contact the respective partner directly.
Purchases on the Top Deals page: The time required to validate a reward varies from one merchant to another and can be up to 90 days. For hotel bookings made on Booking or Expedia, this period can extend up to 90 days after the end date of your stay. However, If you don't show up, you won't receive the reward.
Attention: Pending claims are not taken into account for this 90-day extension of Premium status. Wards related to claims will be credited once your request is approved by our partner.
6 - How do you see qualifying and non-qualifying Wards
To check the qualifying Wards that you've obtained, you can consult the history of your Wards pool, then select the appropriate categories for the Wards using the available filters (the "Filter by category" button).
These categories of Wards are easily identifiable in the pool. They have a slight purple icon.
Here is the list:
- Purchases at the WeWard store
- Purchases on the Top Deals page
- Games
- Surveys